Patisserie Workshop
he sweet cuisine is yours? You love cakes, tartes or a mousse au chocolat? The delicious world of Patisserie has a lot to offer! If you would like to know how to surprise your guests the next time with a stunning dessert then you should consider booking our Patisserie workshop, where we will show and bake with you some of the best recipes of the world!
Be it a mousse au chocolate in white, milk or dark, a Raspberry-Charlotte, a Tarte au Citron, Eclairs or Madeleines – look forward to secret tips and tricks how to achieve the perfect consistency for cremes and mousses, how your dough gets heavenly fluffy and how to get a breathtaking overall shape. Of course, all baked goods can be taken home.
All ingredients and tools will be provided, all participants will receive a sheet with recipes, instructions and source of supply.
We loook forward to your registration
Prior Knowledge: helpful but not required
Location:the venue is to be confirmed
Duration: ca 5h (incl. a break)
Saturday, May 8th, 2021, 10-15h
Sunday, May 9th, 2021, 13-18h
Costs: 200 €